
Thursday, 18 December 2014

A Bristol in Baku

Another one has popped up. The Hotel Bristol in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, is a 4-star, 32-room hotel on the two floors above a restaurant in this 19th-century building. It's in the pedestrianised area in the centre of town, and has attracted good TripAdviser reviews. The owners also run the better known Swan Hotel, which has just had a total makeover.

Monday, 15 December 2014

New Bristol on Poland

A new Hotel Bristol has just been brought to Hotel Bristol News' notice:  in Rzeszow, the main city in south-east Poland. Handsomely fitted out with fine wood finishing by Polish and Scandinavian designers, it has 72 room and three restaurants, including The Old Rzeszow Brewery, where beer is brewed on the premises, and traditional dishes are on offer.

Friday, 5 December 2014

Hôtel Bristol murderer jailed

The gruesome Hotel Bristol murder story came to an end today when the British businessman Ian Griffin was sentence to 20 years for the murder of his girlfriend Kinga Legg in the Paris five-star hotel four years ago. As reported here on Bristol News at the time, she was found dead in the bath of their £1,000-a-night room with more than 100 bruises on her body. At the Cour d'Assises in Paris, prosecutor Philippe Courroye said he failed to believe any of the versions Griffin offered for the murder, saying the case was a classic one of “violence against women.”